Travel History

List all trips you and your family members (included in this application) aged 18 or over (if applicable) have taken outside your country of origin or of residence in the last ten years (or since your 18th birthday if this was less than ten years ago). Include all trips: tourism, business, training, etc. If you or your family member did not travel outside of your country of origin or of residence during this period, check "did not travel".

NOTE: This form is deisgned to accommodate 10 travel destinations to fill. If you travelled MORE than 10 times in the last 10 years, DO NOT fill this form and request for an extended version of this. Thank you. 

Travel 1:

Travel 2:

Travel 3:

Travel 4:

Travel 5:

Travel 6:

Travel 7:

Travel 8:

Travel 9:

Travel 10: